Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friday Five - My Favorites from Around the Web

Sharing five favorites from around the web!

1. Easter Resurrection Garden - The Encouraging Home

Photo credit: Melissa Holt
The Encouraging Home has posted a tutorial, And from the looks of it, it's easy enough to make with the kids! 

2. Dealing with Bad Attitudes in Children - Women Living Well

Courtney writes, "I’ve identified a few behaviors that are habits in our children’s lives. Essentially they are sinful strongholds. My children have become slaves to their habits and they will not be broken through my teaching but through my training." To read the rest of the post, click the links below:

Dealing with Bad Attitudes in Children Part 1
Dealing with Bad Attitudes in Children Part 2

3. Wisdom Blessings and Applesauce - The Calm After the Storm

Wisdom gleaned from 66 years of marriage. Read the article at: The Calm After the Storm

4. Faith Could Cost Him His Votes - Blessed Beyond Measure

Last week, American Idol contestant, Colton Dixon, made headlines, and not because of his song choice. Reports stated that producers of the show asked him to "tone down" his faith references on his social media posts. He was warned that his statements could cost him the competition in terms of voters. Read the rest of the article at Blessed Beyond Measure

5. Why Thology Matters.

Why Theology Matters from anberlin_fan on GodTube.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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