Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Love Worth Celebrating

Guest Contributor, Lisa Jacobson, Club31Women

The time had come and deep down I knew it.

No point in putting it off any longer. My little laundry room was so messy and cluttered I could hardly get in and out of there anymore. A bit disturbing and slightly depressing. And certainly not the way I wanted to live.

Besides, it was April and the season for spring cleaning and fresh starts. The time for new growth and bright beginnings, right?

So I rolled up my sleeves, slipped on my yellow rubber gloves, and went to work. Sorted, trashed, and scrubbed until you could see shiny counters and a spotless floor. Clean and clear at last.


Not sure if this tells you too much about me, but looking out at that sparkling room I felt a strange kind of exhilaration. A sense of triumph. Like I'd really done something.

It was while gazing out at this great achievement that I heard someone sneak up behind me. And shut the door. Well, you remember how I described my "little" laundry room? Tiny might be more accurate. Let's put it this way...two people and a closed door make for a rather close encounter.

I briefly hesitated, but then turned to face the intruder.

And there he was. That man I married. Suspiciously pulling something out from behind his back. Actually, two somethings. Two chocolate-dipped Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars to be exact.

I think I squealed.

Quickly followed by a sacred hush as we didn't dare make another sound in case one of the kids overheard. So without a word we munched on our frozen bars in the newly shined laundry room.

Quietly celebrating. Everything.

Not just the squeaky-clean room we were standing in. Not only the job done, or the goal completed. But him and me. And all that had been messed up, cleaned up and made beautiful over the years.  Celebrating in front of the Whirlpool washing machine.

It's funny how many thoughts run through your mind when you're silently eating an ice cream bar in a small space. Especially when it's with someone you've loved, lived with and slept with over the years.

I began to wonder. About me. And about you.

How often do we stand still and celebrate our little successes? Pause to recognize the good things that have been going on?

Or do we just keep chugging along? Too busy moving on to the next problem that we don't realize that something Big is going on in our everyday lives. That together we're working on a really wonderful thing.

          Maybe he's getting better at coming home when he said he would. Or you're more welcoming when he walks in the door.

          Maybe he's been offering to take the children, so you'll get a break. Or you've been telling him how much you appreciate his hard work.

          Maybe he's been listening more carefully to what you have to say. Or you're speaking kinder and more encouraging words.

          Maybe he's working more on meeting your needs. Or you've been seeking to satisfy him more often.

          Maybe he's been saying he's sorry for having hurt you. Or you've been more forgiving and willing to let it go.

          Or maybe you've both simply decided that you're going to love each other. No matter what.  That you're in this for the long haul. 

Some might say these are small things. Even use the word tiny to describe what's gone on. But you know what I think? I think it's a time of new growth and bright beginnings.

I say, you're really doing something.

So why not stop and celebrate?

And let's bring out those chocolate-dipped ice-cream bars. What do you say? 

In His grace,

Lisa is the happily-ever-after wife of Matt Jacobson, literary agent and writer, and together they enjoy raising 8 children. Please join her over at Club31Women, a blog for any wife, mother, or sister who is looking for Biblical encouragement and inspiration. 
Find her on facebook: Club31Women

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  1. Oh, this is beautiful. Here's to the joy of working together.

  2. This was very uplifting! It's hard to take time to look at the good things in the midst of life's daily stressors. These small reminders can make hard times seem much more manageable and the fight feel worthwhile!

  3. Love this! Its the little moments that keep me going :)

  4. Lisa, I think this is one of my favorite posts you've ever written. Haagen-Dazs in the laundry room? That's about the most romantic act I've ever heard.

  5. Thanks for sharing this today. It came at a really good time.

  6. Well, first of all, I'm always willing and ready to celebrate ANYTHING with chocolate and ice cream!! The little celebrations are really important for any marriage/relationship!! I like your "maybe" list of ideas at the end of your post...I never considered celebrating the last one, especially ~
    "you've both simply decided that you're going to love each other. No matter what. That you're in this for the long haul." It's easy to take things like that for granted, but they are worth celebrating, too!
    Thanks for sharing. Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

  7. So fun to read this, my husband did the very same thing the other day (only I was washing clothes ;)) And we sat quietly there, giggling and eating our ice-cream behind a closed door so that the kids wouldnt hear us :)

  8. Thank you for this great reminder. Too often we focus on the big struggles and forget to enjoy what we are building together! I used this as a jumping off point for my own blog post today!

  9. Love, love, LOVED this. What a beautiful testament and love story. I think I'll run out and buy an ice cream bar for my husband and I to share and celebrate as you so eloquently put it, "all that had been messed up, cleaned up and made beautiful over the years".

    Except our laundry room might not be appropriate and maybe we'll break the rules and I'll sneak it into our bedroom instead.

    Thanks for the reminder. :)


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