Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Excuse the Mess Y'all!

My sister always says, "I clean up for company the first time, after that you are considered family."

Well... today I'm considering you all family because my blog is a bit of a mess. :(

The place where I host some of my images and all of my freebies had a site issue which closed my blog down for a few hours. It's a domino effect unfortunately so my page wasn't functioning either.

I spent several hours on the phone with GoDaddy hammering out a few details to get the blog back up and running.

I have to switch all of my freebies over to a new server, so we're looking at a lot of broken links until I get them fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

In the meantime, Lisa is off today because she's busy working on a project. So while I should be filling in for her I've been tied up with website details.

Still I can't complain because I'm just grateful that I blog at all. Isn't God good?!

I should have this place cleaned up today. Thanks for your grace.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this picture. I very much needed to be reminded of this today :)


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