Monday, June 3, 2013

Laundry Isn't So Dull Anymore!

Ever since the new puppy arrived I have a never-ending pile of laundry. You wouldn't think a little dog would affect my laundry pile, would you? But she does immensely!

Every time I turn around I see that one of my kids has left a jacket, a towel, or a blanket on the floor which Chelsea views as yet another business opportunity.

In addition to getting after the puppy, I've had to get after the kids, constantly reminding them to pick up after themselves.

The other day I ran upstairs to get changed. She was on my bed less than ten seconds and was already squatting for a tinkle. Another load of laundry was added to the growing pile.

It was during this time that I was gently reminded of this scripture:
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. - Galatians 6:9&10 (KJV)

See that part that says, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good..."? There's an opportunity waiting for me in the laundry room, there's one at the kitchen sink, and there's another that brings me down to my knees with a scrub brush in hand.

The question is, do I grow weary, or do I see these chores as a way to bless others?

I used to look at work as "work," and there are some days that I still do. I forget the reason I'm doing all of this and lose focus of why I'm here. I grow weary, I get tired, and I get cranky.

Then there are the days when I remember why I'm here. I'm blessed with the privilege of being someone's wife and being a mom. Those are the days when I walk into the laundry room and look at each load as a little gift of love to my family. Those are the days when I remember that a drawer full of clean laundry isn't just a job done, it's a blessing. Those are the days that are good.

When you look at each load as a little gift of love to your family, laundry isn't as dull as we once thought it was.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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Check out my book, The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet


  1. Loved your post! Laundry is definitely a labor of love. But, it's a blessing. Thank God we *have* the clothes to fold. Thank God we *have* hands and arms that function properly to do the task. Thanks God we *have* loved ones to fold clothes for. Thank God for the functioning washer and dryer...and the electricity that makes our job easier. :)

  2. I would probably crate a little more often and only let her out under supervision until she is housebroken. Or confine to one area of the house like the kitchen.

  3. It use to be a dreaded chore, however, my husband made a comment one day about how awesome it is to not ever have to worry about having clean clothes & how much he appreciates me taking care of laundry. All I have to do is wash dry & fold his clothes & he picks them off the dryer & puts them up! How cool is that? Navy man & he has his paticulars he has to do for 'Stow Away'.

  4. thnaks for this i needed that i have hard times with laundry here to then when i read this it made me think i am here with god to we also have dogs that do this then i read this one more time GOD is here in someway caus GOD is DOG backwords


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