Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Most Important Thing That You Can Do for Your Children

It's long been said that the most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother. That's a good sentiment, and one that's been widely embraced. 

I like that, really I do. But I have to ask myself, Is it the most important thing he can do? Is loving my husband the most important thing I can do? 

I don't want to pick apart words, especially those that are designed to build up the family, but I would like to challenge us all to dig deeper. Let's take that a step further.

I love my husband dearly and I understand that love is of God, but while I'm living this life that the Lord has called me to, I'm gently reminded that the love that I have for my family is an extension of my love for God, not the root.

The greatest commandment, and one that should never been taken for granted is that we are to love the Lord with all of our heart, our soul, and our mind. Everything else is second. Everything else stems from our love for and obedience to the Father. Everything else is a reflection of that sacrificial love that He has extended to us. Even and especially the love between a man and his wife.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. - Matthew 22:37-39 (KJV)

The reason that the root of our love must be Christ-centered is because our beliefs and our convictions will be the very thing that dictates the way that we love. The decisions we make will be based on obedience to God's laws rather than the foolishness of man.

When we are angry, we choose peace.
When we are frustrated, we choose patience.
When we are grumpy, we put on kindness.
When we are struggling financially, we pray.
When we are hurt, we communicate in love.
When we face trials, we lean on the Lord.
When he doesn't love us like we want to be loved, we choose grace.
When we feel like running, we stay.

And so we see that the most important thing that we can do as parents is to love the Lord, and then reflect that kind of love in our marriage. He is my first love, all else is second.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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  1. This is so true, but somehow I've forgotten it along the way. Thanks for the well spoken reminder.

  2. This is SO true Darlene. I cannot count the times that my behavior towards my husband rubbed off on the kids and they treated their dad like I was treating him. It was a testament to me that I need to watch my words and my actions.

    Thanks for the reminder :)

  3. Wow this is so true! I totally agree with you, what are we without God after all?! Nothing!

  4. Amen! I'm forever grateful for God leading my husband and I to Him and for transforming our marriage. Your words always inspire and encourage Darlene. God bless.

  5. I've counseled so many that it's a choice. We either choose to love or we are unloving. We choose to forgive or we are unforgiving. We choose to be unselfish or we are selfish. My husband says so often that marital issues all stem from selfishness with one or both of the couple. This is a reminder to make the right choice. With our love for God as #1 it's much easier to make the right choice. Thank you, Darlene, for always bringing us truth.


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