Tuesday, August 20, 2013

6 Must-Follow Christian Men

A day doesn't pass without a reader asking me if there's any good sites like this for men. Not watered-down words written to tickle our ears, but truth that encourages men to love their wives and walk in the light of the Gospel.

Yes there are, and I'd love to share a few of my favorites with you.

Each of these men are a powerhouse for the gospel, which is why I've specifically chosen to share them with you. I pray that God will strengthen them in their faith, as they continue to share the Word.

Some of these men are famous. Some not so well known, but all six of them are holy men of God that deliver the Word with passion and truth.

1. John Piper - Desiring God - If I know anything for sure, it's that John Piper is going to give it to you straight. He's a well of wisdom that delivers the Word of God with conviction. He believes in the truth of God's Word and is outspoken about it.

Look him up on YouTube and you'll find encouraging videos on marriage, renewing our minds, and having a passion for God. Check out his website where you'll find downloadable copies of his book. I think all of them are available for free! I seriously love this man!

2. Kirk Cameron - Yes, it's Mike Seaver from Growing Pains. Brother to Candace Cameron Bure, Kirk shares his faith without reserve. Standing strong through every storm, he inspires me to take up my cross and follow Christ.

Kirk and his wife Chelsea are the founders of Camp Firefly, a camp for seriously ill children and their families. Together, they live in California with their six children.

Some of the topics he covers are: advancing our faith, building our families, and restoring our nation.

3. Matthew L. Jacobson - Matthew is my agent, an incredible writer, and the husband of our weekly contributor Lisa Jacobson. They've been married for 21 years and have eight children.

Matt shares articles and encouragement on loving your spouse and leading your family according to the Word of God. He writes, This blog is about what the world needs. It needs more men who love their wives deeply and passionately; more women who are cherished by their husbands; more wives who respect their men, more singles who are prepared to be good husbands, wives, moms & dads. And, more obedience to the Word of God . . . a lot more.

4. Pat Schwenk - For the Family - Pat is thankful to both serve and lead others toward Jesus. He is a father, husband, and pastor. Patrick and his wife Ruth met while attending the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. They have been married for fourteen years and currently have four children ages three to ten.

He is the author of two books, The Dig for Kids and The Warrior Weekend.

Pat and Ruth are co-founders of "For the Family" a site that is dedicated to encouraging and equipping families to build God-honoring homes for the glory of God and the good of the world.

5. John MacArthur - Grace to You - One word--wisdom. We came across his radio program about twelve years ago and have followed him ever since. If you have time to sit down and watch his videos, you won't be sorry you did. My husband is a huge fan, in fact our book shelf is lined with his commentaries. And of course we have his study Bible and audio tapes.

He's spot on when it comes to doctrine and doesn't tickle the ears of his listeners. On the main page of his site you'll find a blog written by the Grace to You Staff.

6. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs - Love and Respect - Dr. Emerson is the author of the best-selling book Love and Respect 

He's an internationally known public speaker on the topic of male-female relationships. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Eggerichs and his wife Sarah developed the Love and Respect Conference which they present to live audiences around the country..Together they work to help couples resolve conflict.

Aside from the many resources they provide, Dr. Emmerson and Sarah co-author a blog which offers encouragement for marriage. One thing I really like about their blogging style is that it's packed with scripture.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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  1. I attended John MacArthur's church over 30 years ago and he was teaching Truth way back then! He never wavers and I have always appreciated him for that. He certainly doesn't tickle the ears and that is why I am sure he has lasted all these years at the same church.

  2. I could not agree more with your choices. Some of mine and my husbands favorites!

  3. GREAT choices! Some of my favorites, too.
    Love John MacArthur. My husband was on staff with him for a few years and we attended Grace for 10 years. He is definitely a man of integrity.
    Love and Respect is a life changing book.
    John Piper is wonderful, too.
    And Kirk attended a class my husband taught in the 90s. He is so passionate about what he does, yet so down to earth.
    And through you, I'm getting to know Lisa Jacobson and her husband. Her articles are very encouraging.
    And so are you.
    Thank you for all you do!!!

  4. I really appreciate your list, Darlene. John MacArthur and John Piper have impacted my life in the most significant ways.


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