As one day stumbles into the next, I count the ways every day to show my husband just how much I love him without words.
She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. ~ Proverbs 31:12
The morning starts off with Jeremy Camp singing in my ear with the words "Jesus Saves" as my alarm clocks goes off at 4:45 am.
She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and portions to her maidens. ~ Proverbs 31: 15
I have to hit the snooze just once before I stumble out of my warm bed. I thank God for another day to serve Him as a wife. I then work my way out of the covers at 5:00am to get the morning started before my husband wakes up.
Here are 10 ways that I show my husband I love him before he leaves for work:
- The kitchen is warm and welcoming for his arrival of the start of his day
- The kitchen is filled with great smells of his breakfast cooking
- Sounds of the refrigerator door open to get his lunch packed for the day
- Greeting him with a smile, saying "Good Morning Honey"
- Talking about anything that comes to mind to embrace the small moments we have before the kids rise
- Insuring his bags are packed for him to walk out the door
- Having his wallet, keys, hat, ect all in one place so that he is not stressing about where everything is
- Being patience while he gets ready
- Kissing with love as he is about to walk out the door
- Embracing his body language when I send him out the door with the words "I love you, have a great day Honey" and listening for him to say in return, "Love you, have a great day as well
She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. ~ Proverbs 31:26
Dying to self every single day and choosing to pick up the cross is how you love your husband without words....
Embracing God's plan for your marriage and living it out, is how you love your husband without words..
Doing things for him with out any expectations in return, is how you love your husband without words...
Lifting & encouraging him all the days of his life, is how you love your husband without words...
Praising him for all his efforts, is how you love your husband without words...
Walking in faith every single day is, how you love your husband without words..
Loving him right where he is without grumble or complaints, is how you love your husband without words...
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30
Serving With Joy,
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Today's Challenge: |
Today's Challenger:Sonya blogs over at Becoming a Strong Woman of God on faith, homemaking, marriage, and raising boys. This year begins her first year of Homeschooling. She a military wife to her husband Jay who will be retiring next year. Seeing the need of getting Gods truth out to as many women as possible lead her to the blogging world. She loves encouraging and lifting up women. When she is not being super mom, she is on a baseball field somewhere. |
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