Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lilla Rose Review and a Giveaway!!

Some days having a teenage daughter is kind of like having my own Barbie doll. Last week we were out shopping for her graduation dress and the next day we were doing hair-dos. Maddy's gotten to that age now where she not only likes to have her hair done, she wants to experiment with mine too.

When Sue Ellen Hale offered to send us one of her "flexi clips" from the Lilla Rose collection to review, Madison was checking the mailbox every day after school! To tell you the truth, I was expecting a pretty barrette, but because the clip is so flexible I discovered that it's so much more. We LOVE ours.

Before I even had a chance to put it in Madison's hair, she was in the bathroom creating a style. Here's a photo of Madison wearing the clip with our Pug Bailey looking over her shoulder. Thank you, Sue Ellen!

If you'd like to see other hairstyles, check out Sue Ellen's Lilla Rose page on Facebook. And here is a video that helps women choose the best size for them. Notice "Tika's" hair at 3:17. Wow!

Do you want to win one? If so please enter using the Rafflecopter gadget below. Subscribers, please click through to the website to access it.

You can gain entry points in a number of ways:

Visit the Lila Rose Website 2 pts
Like Sue Ellen's Lilla Rose Page on facebook 2 pts
Sign up for her free Lilla Rose newsletter  2 pts
Subscribe to Time-Warp Wife 2 pts

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You are loved by an almighty God,


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