Every once in a while I get to a point in my life, my year or my month where all of the little things I've been putting off for a while add up to one big ball of stress.
I drag around this ball and chain for weeks, and while it's not getting any lighter I'm wondering if it will somehow disappear on its own. It never does.
My email backs up, my paper work stacks up, my call backs add up, and my closets fill up until I finally get to the point where I say to myself, "What are you waiting for? Just do it!"
And as soon as I do all of "it," an enormous weight is taken off of my shoulders, while I'm standing there asking myself, "Darlene, why didn't I take care of this stuff weeks ago?"
Yesterday was one of those days. I woke up with a heavy feeling of responsibility on my shoulders and I knew it was time to roll up my sleeves, stop procrastinating, create a to-do list and start checking things off.
I'm not finished the entire list yet, but I have checked several things off and each time I do I'm feeling a little less stressed.
With that, I have a one day challenge for you. Just one day. Take out a notepad, or print off one of my To-Do Lists and jot down some of the things you've been putting off for a while. These items could be anything from making amends to cleaning out a hall closet. There might be paperwork to do, email to answer, or some phone calls to make... think about it for a few minutes and put down some of the unpleasant things that you'd normally put off for another day. Take two days if you have too--the goal is to get as many of them done as soon as possible. Getting these things off of your mind will take a weight off of your shoulders and put a skip in your step. It certainly made a difference for me!
If you're anything like me, I'm a work in progress. A thousand times I've failed at this thing called life. Like the foolish steward I am, I've wasted the gifts that He's given me time and again. The Lord knows I'm trying, but He also knows how often I fail. And so I thank Him for His mercy and grace as each day brings with it a new beginning and another chance to get it all right.
You are loved by an almighty God,
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