Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Five August 11th

It's time for "Friday Five" and here are a few of my favorites from around the web!

1. Turn Hand-Written Recipes into Tea Towels 

When I came across this tutorial my jaw dropped. Then my mind started racing with all of the possibilities: Recipes! Bible Verses! Love Letters! The ideas are endless. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't know this was possible until now.

Visit Spoonflower for details on these babies!

2. Upcycle Old Books - Dishfunctional Designs

Before you toss out any of those old novels, check out this post where you'll find everything from birdhouses to bathtubs, all created by upcycling books! Don't you just love that word "upcycle?" It's my new favorite!

3. I Choose to Fight {Candace Cameron Bure}

Candace Cameron Bure is over at The Better Mom sharing a transparent post about parenting.

Candace writes:

I am failing my family.
Sounds dramatic and it is. There is no catch. NO secondary line to soften it up and make light of it.
I am failing my children. 
Read the rest of the post at

4. Cute Overload! 

Did you know that otters hold hands when they sleep so that they don't float away from their mate? My  son told me that the entire family holds hands which is even more adorable if you think about it! 

5. How to Display Your Bookshelves - Cupcakes and Cashmere

Bookshelves can be a work of art when we know the right way to display items. Little tips like grouping objects or adding an interesting item can go a long way in making a drab bookshelf stand out. 

Pop in at Cupcakes and Cashmere where you'll glean a few tips and tricks of the trade! 

You are loved by an almighty God,

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