Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Becoming a Woman of Influence

Women of influence.

That's what was featured on the cover of the magazine. The fifty faces of women who've been recognized as having significant influence. A truly impressive collection.

So I don't know why it had this effect on me, but I looked at those 50 women and immediately felt small. Inconsequential. Unknown.

A nobody.

Because, of course, my picture will never be on the front of that magazine. Not that I've ever aspired to such a place. But still...

I was somehow struck by my insignificance.

I know it's not right - or even reasonable - for me to think this way. Yet it managed to stir up so many of my insecurities and self-doubts that I began questioning whether I'd do anything meaningful with my life. Ever.

After all, who am I?  No one really.

The dark, defeating doubts swirled around as I brewed a fresh pot of coffee for my husband and continued with me as I trudged up the stairs to his home office. I poured him a cup and then began pouring out my pitiful-me thoughts before him.  Poor meaningless me. I jabbered on and on about how I never amounted to much and probably never would. 

When suddenly and unexpectedly my pity-party came to a complete stop.

I realized that my husband wasn't paying the least attention to me. He wasn't really listening at all, but smiling at something in front of him. What? What was distracting him?

Then I saw it. Right smack in the middle of his desk sat a nicely framed photograph of his beloved wife. 

Yes, that would be me.

Nobody else. Not one single photo of the Fifty Women of Influence was placed before him. Just little, simple, wifey me.

And then came the moment of revelation: I am a woman of influence. Tremendous influence. You see, it's my face that's featured on the cover of his life.

Because amazingly enough, the Lord has chosen this woman to be that man's wife. Which means it's me - and only me - who completes him. 
  • Who recognizes his strengths.
  • Who balances out his  weaknesses.
  • Who builds him up. 
  • Who understands him like no one else.
  • Who encourages him when he's down or discouraged. 
  • Who sleeps by his side at night. 
  • Who stands behind him. 
  • Who brings out the best in him. 
  • Who loves him for who he is.
It had never occurred to me before, but I'm becoming a woman of great influence.

But you know what else? So are you.

You also are a woman of consequence and have a powerful role to play in your husband's life. You are the most influential woman in his world. And to my way of thinking, that is one of the highest honors and privilege a woman can hold.

So it looks like I am significant - even if it's only in the eyes of one man. Yet it's the one man who matters most in my life. My photograph is placed prominently where all the world can see it. Or better yet - where he can see it.

One woman of influence. That's me.  

And that's you.  Congratulations.

In His grace,

Lisa is the happily-ever-after wife of Matt Jacobson, literary agent and writer, and together they enjoy raising 8 children. Please join her over at Club31Women, a blog for any wife, mother, or sister who is looking for Biblical encouragement and inspiration. 
Find her on facebook: Club31Women

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Darlene Schacht

I'm over at The Better Mom Today!

Some of our husbands are incredible when it comes to helping around the house, but on the flip side, there are some husbands who don’t help at all. A door can be falling off the hinges and he won’t notice until it falls off and he has to step over it.

These are the women I want to chat with today… Read the rest of the article over at The Better Mom...


  1. What a wonderful message this morning, Lisa! Though not the topic at hand, of course (while they are young at least) we are also the most influential women in our kiddos' lives as well. I'll never be secretary of state (nor would I want to be), I'll never make an amazing scientific discovery, but as my friends and I wrestle with the issue of aging parents and grandparents, we look fondly and lovingly on the influences of our mothers, not of those folks on a magazine cover.

    On a related topic, where I live many people have a common bumper sticker on their car: "Well-behaved women rarely make history." Although I can go on (and on occasion have) for quite a while about this statement, the first and spontaneous thought that always comes to my mind is, "Why would I want to?"

    Thanks so much for your thoughts this morning!

  2. This is such an encouraging post for wives. At times I don't feel like I build up my husband as well as I should, and I'm working hard to be more influential in his life as his wife.

  3. So blessed by this! Thank you for the reminder! :)

  4. Wow just what I needed today! Thanks
    My husband has told me many times we have no idea what an influence we have on them!

  5. I feel small some days, too. Forgetting what a huge role we play in the lives of those closest to us. For good or for bad, each of us have influence with someone! It's a high calling to get to 'better' our mates for His glory.

  6. Love this post and now understand what it means to be a woman of influence.


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