Friday, February 15, 2013

May Our Hearts Be Hidden in God

A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her. ~ Max Lucado

Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. - Psalm 5:1-3

Have a beautiful weekend, ladies...

You are loved by an almighty God,

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Check out my book, The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet


  1. Love the Ludado quote, Darlene. And the beauty of the picture. I'm so thankful God hears our cries. AND that He loves it when we choose Him to bring our burdens and troubled hearts to.

  2. Love the quote! Definitely something I will share with the young ladies in our church. I will also share it with my 14 year old son. He is not old enough to date yet, he still has a couple of years, but I want him better prepared that his older brother was and this is the kind of young lady I want him to seek.

  3. I just finished reading "The Good Wife's Guide." All I can say is Thank You!

    I was blessed to become engaged to the most wonderful man on Jan 1st of this year, and, unexpectedly, became unemployed on Jan 22nd. At 28, I had an amazing career path and fully financially independent. Though I sometimes dreamed of being a stay-at-home-mom one day, the dream always seemed far fetched. My fiancee does well, and when we found out my company was closing, he offered to take care of us as a family. The dream I had, which I never figured possible, was coming true. I was going to be a homemaker - but where to begin??!! Working 45 hours a week for the last 10 years of my life has not prepared me for this.

    Your book has made the transition into my role as a help meet easier. I am embracing every part of it, and am finding the joy in doing so. We have a year before the wedding, and ultimately (which is what I'm thinking of most) before we start having children. With your guidance, I am preparing daily for the life that I have chosen to live. I am finding also that I am closer to God. I finally feel as if I am leading the life that God has created me to lead...

    BEST PART IS?! I have the happiest man - he loves having me home. For once in my life I'm stress free and rested, the house is clean and put together when he gets home, and we get a home cooked meal every night. It feels so good to devote my time, energy, and love to my future husband and my God.

    So thank you again... God Bells!


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