Thursday, August 29, 2013

Coming This Monday: "Ignite the Fire" Marriage Series

Once again I've teamed up with a few of my favorite marriage bloggers to bring you a brand new series, "Ignite the Fire!"

For the next three weeks, the four of us will be writing on the same topic every Monday. We'll be talking about passion, kindness, dreams, and of course my favorite topic--faith!

If you've ever read my testimony, then you know that I firmly believe there is hope for all marriages. God didn't create this incredible union to be tiresome, lifeless, and dull, but rather that through obedience to faith we might experience love in abundance.

Wherever you're at in your marriage--there's hope. We serve a God Who is busy at work orchestrating every detail of your life. Our job is to plant seeds in the morning trusting that the Master will take care of the harvest.

One single spark can set a field on fire, one spark can ignite wrath or greatness, and one spark can change the course of your marriage. That's all it takes--one spark.

I hope you'll join us this Monday, right here. For "Ignite the Fire!"

My fellow team members will be:

Courtney from Women Living Well
Jennifer from The Unveiled Wife
Sheila from To Love Honor and Vacuum

And here’s the topic schedule. All four of us will be writing on our own blogs every Monday on the same topic (but in our own unique voices). We will all share the same challenge for the week.

September 2nd – Ignite Your Passion
September 9th – Ignite Your Kindness
September 16th – Ignite Your Dreams


You are loved by an almighty God,

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Check out my book, The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet


  1. Sounds like a great series! I'm looking forward to it. :-)

  2. I'm looking forward to the series! Thanks so much.



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