Monday, September 2, 2013

We Were Created to Live a Passionate Life

This series is running on Mondays: September 2, 9, 16

We're starting off our marriage series today with the topic of passion. And while this topic can be approached in a  number of ways, I want to focus on having a passionate pursuit for the heart of your husband.

When I was dating Michael, I was on a passionate pursuit for this man. In other words, there was an intense chase going on. He didn't always see it because I was good at being subtle. But behind every phone call, every outfit, and every love note I wrote, there was a whole lot of planning going on behind the scenes.

I was crazy about this guy.

I doodled his name in my notebook, I sat by the phone waiting for his call, and I had a good dose of the butterflies. Love had me walking through the mall for about six hours because he mentioned that he just might go shopping. I didn't find him that day, but I did manage to pick up a pair of adorable shoes--which I was also passionate about.

After about two years, the chase came to a halt when we finally stood at the altar reciting our vows. I was his, he was mine, and there was nothing on this planet that could break us apart.

I didn't have to sit by the phone waiting for his call, and I didn't have to walk through the mall hoping to catch a glimpse of his smile. I was waking up next to this man every day and from what I could see, he wasn't about to go anywhere.

But here's the thing. While my pursuit for this man might be over, the pursuit for his heart is an ongoing passion of mine. Like anyone else, I have a choice to either live a self-centered life or to live one that reflects the covenant keeping grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We weren't created to live a bland life, we were created to live a passionate one. To come to a full understanding of God's grace and vigorously pursue our Savior.

In the same way, God created marriage to be a passionate union that would reflect the relationship between Jesus Christ and His passionate church.

We were created to bring glory to God through the way that we live and the way that we love. To be servants of grace who give more than we're given and forgive before we're forgiven.

He came to give us life in abundance, because He knows that those who are exercised by faith possess the fruit of righteousness that brings peace and joy to our lives.

Yes--we were created to live a passionate life.
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ. - Philippians 3:8

This Week's Challenge: Ignite the passion in your marriage by investing into your husband joyfully. This may look different in every marriage. The challenge is to focus on an area of your marriage that is a little weak and pour time, energy and love into it.
Come back next week for part two in our Ignite The Fire series!

September 9th – Ignite Your Kindness
September 16th – Ignite Your Dreams

Please stop by and visit my team members to read their posts on this series!


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You are loved by an almighty God,

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  1. i absolutely adore this series and will be doing it along-side you gals :)

  2. I love this challenge of investing in our husbands and pursuing his heart! Just this week I heard a preacher say, "If you want to feel how you did before, do what you did before." The dating relationship is full of such passionate feelings because of the passionate pursuit and investment. Those feelings aren't bound to that phase only. What a great challenge for our marriages. Thank you!

  3. Amen! Thank you for reminding me about the passionate pursuit that is so important in my marriage.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You have no idea how much I needed this today. :)

  5. This is great!!! I will share it in my blog. Xoxo, Tayrina

  6. hmm... not sure about this. Do you have suggestions? Our relationship is pretty challenged.

  7. We are just about ready to celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary! We have enjoyed each other for these many years - not without challenges; don't misunderstand me but Jesus is the head of our home and that has made such a difference. All the same I wanted to tell you, this entry is beautiful and I needed to be reminded. THANK YOU!

    1. Wow. Congratulations!!! 44 years!!! Truly amazing. My husband and i just celebrated 30. Sometime when there is discussion around me all i here are comments about divorce. And those comments make me feel like a dinosaur. I hope that as time goes on there is a change away from the commonality of divorce.

  8. I look forward to enjoying this series. Need to revive mine

  9. great idea....difficult when your husband is addicted to "extra-curricular" pursuits outside of marriage, if you get my meaning. I'm an athletic, fit woman; but hey, none of us can compete with internet porn....once that has "his heart", it's pretty much a done deal. Just my two cents from my own experience.....

  10. I am so excited about this challenge, and I'm definitely becoming more mindful about pursuing my husband's heart! Here's the link to my entry:

    Blessings to you!!

  11. Salam,

    I've just celebrated 10 years which Im super happy about. I always try keep the passion alive, granted it will never be like when we where first married, the love changes as we get older.

    Your Muslim friend

  12. I love your story!! <3
    I "chased" my husband before we were together for a year and a half. I did the same kind of things (like you at the mall). He jokingly says now that I was stalking him. LOL Well, maybe a little. Haha!
    We've been married for just over 4 years now. Since then I had to take some meds that made me gain a lot of weight and I don't feel so sexy and attractive like I used to. I finally came off the meds a few weeks ago, and I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I've lost a few pounds (out of the many I gained), but I am wanting to "chase" my hubby again by dressing nice, doing my hair and makeup, and being more pleasant to be around. I want his heart to be won over by me day after day! :-)
    Thanks again for this series and your openness to share!!

  13. If only I could get my wife to understand this. If only.

  14. I love this post! My husband and I endured a long struggle, that actually caused us to separate for a time. We have been blessed by the Lord and His willingness to heal us and our marriage. I am now entering into a time where I feel so focused on my relationship with my husband and in making it the very best it can be. Thank you for sharing this!


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