Friday, August 23, 2013

Why This Book is Dear to My Heart & a Huge Giveaway!

Backstage Pass the Naomi Striemer Story available at Amazon.
(also see giveaway below!)

A few years ago I was sitting down at the computer when an email came in with a request from a woman. "I was wondering..." she said, "if we could talk about the possibility of you helping me write my life story."

After Googling her name I was intrigued. This woman rubbed shoulders with celebrities like Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson, Avril Levigne, Carlos Santana, and Larry King, but what was her story?

If you know anything about me, I'm curious when it comes to celebrities, but as far as I'm concerned they're just people like you and I. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us, and they struggle against Twinkies just like me.

It's the heart I'm after, not the platform. In fact I once turned down a writer who appeared on The Tonight Show 27 times. It's not that I didn't like her, it was just that after prayer and consideration, I didn't feel led to write with her.

But Naomi was different. She had a story to tell.

Once hailed as Canada's next Celine Dion Naomi quickly shot to stardom and at 18-years-old she already had a deal with Sony Records. The interesting part however is this--at the height of her career she walked away. Leaving everything behind, she made the biggest decision of her life--to follow Christ. 

That's a story worth telling! So why didn't I?

Well, I did, and I didn't. Naomi and I started writing the book together, but the timing was bad. It was at a time in my life when I needed to put my dreams and desires aside. My father was dying of cancer, mom was taking care of him at home and the night shift was too much for her to handle alone. I too had come to a place where I needed to make some important decisions and putting down the book was one of them.

Naomi went on to write the book on her own, which in hindsight I see as a blessing. She's a talented writer who just needed the courage to step out and get started. I don't doubt that was God's plan all along.

I'm just glad I got to be a part of her journey even if it was only in part. And most of all I'm blessed because I've made a good friend.

About two months ago Naomi and her dad came through my city for a visit. She wanted to meet me in person and gave me a copy of her book. She also gave me an extra copy to give away on my blog!

But here's the thing... I love this girl so much that I'm going to personally buy nine extra copies of the book making it ten in total!! Your chances of winning just increased--woohoo! This is going to be fun. The giveaway starts now and will end at midnight on Tuesday at which time I will draw ten winners and announce their names here on Wednesday.

So here's what we're going to do. I've set up a Rafflecopter gadget below so you can enter for your chance to win.

You can earn:
  • two easy points just for entering
  • two extra points for watching her video below (my favorite Christian song!)
  • two points if you're one of my facebook fans
  • two points if you share a link to this giveaway.
Note: Entries are for Canada and the US only.

Subscribers: Click through to the blog to use the Rafflecopter gadget below. Thanks!
Find out more about Backstage Pass on Amazon.
Visit Naomi's website: Click here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You are loved by an almighty God,

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  1. I have never heard of her before (but I live under a rock in the middle of nowhere!), but what an amazing voice!! I'm generally not a huge fan of female voices, but she's got such beautiful one! And what a great song, too.

  2. Always love to hear of people who follow God's heart rather than the world's. Even more so when they do it at a young age...

  3. What a wonderful voice! I hadn't heard of Naomi before wither, so I'm glad you shared her with us!

  4. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow! Her story sounds fantastic! Beautiful voice too :)

  6. What a beautiful song and what a beautiful voice.

  7. Oooh, what a story and a voice. I would love to read her story! Thanks for sharing with us!

  8. Wow! Naomi has a very pretty voice and that is a soul stirring song. Thanks so much for sharing her with us, Darlene. I want to call my local Christian radio station to make sure they've heard of her, b/c I've never heard her on the radio. Can't wait to hear more of her songs. :-)

  9. I would love to read her story....she is beautiful and also has the voice of an angel....

  10. Beautiful voice...Beautiful women....Chose something besides Fame....Please listen.

  11. Thanks for the giveaway. Love her voice!

  12. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this, I am looking forward to reading the book and perhaps (after I read) sharing with my 5/6th grade girls group. What a great example of living a life for Christ!

  13. What a beautiful courageous and talented young woman. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Wow What a beautiful worship song, a beautiful voice and a great testimony! Thank you for sharing. I will be looking for more of her music for sure!

  15. Naomi has such a beautiful voice. I would love to read her story. I love that she choose a life of obedience to Christ over fame and fortune.

    Blessings and love,

  16. Thanks for sharing, it was a beautiful song...


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