Thursday, March 31, 2011

Drawing Definite Lines for Sexual Purity

Clare from Peak313 Fitness recommended this video yesterday, saying "We are in a day where the line for sexual purity is blurred. We can't forget the standard for where God wants His people! Leav it to Mark Driscoll to tell it like it is. "How far is TOO far physically in a relationship?"

Since a number of my readers are brides in training, and another number of readers have teenagers who may be starting to date soon or are already in relationships, I thought it was a good sharpening tool so to speak.

It's not a long video at all--maybe two or three minutes. So grab a cup of coffee and listen in:

Those who are reading this through their email, might not be able to see the video, and if so, just click through to my website at Time-Warp Wife, to view it.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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